Indian Retail Sector

Handsets Market size Analysis : Smart Phone and Mobile

Handset market size in India in first 4 months is estimated INR 225 Billions. Feature phone market size is INR 30 Billions and smart phone market size is INR 195 billions. First four months of financial year 2016 includes April, May, June and July.

Comparing to YTD 15 handsets market size is increased 4% in YTD 16. It is intersting to see that single SIM phone are losing their charm and single SIM handset market isĀ  shrinking by 40%.

Another segment that witnessing whopping de-growth is CDMA handsets. CDMA handsets recorded 95% de-growth YoY basis. However CDMA handsets category is not only to lose its charm it is being given good company by QWERTY handsets, QWERTY handsets sale touch to low by registering 70% downfall.

If we discuss operating system, then WINDOWS is on verge of market extinction unless they do a miracle. Windows based phone registered 80% downfall in same period YoY.

If we discuss handsets market on Volume, then in first four month of financial year 2016, 40 Million handsets has been sold. it is 8% more than handsets sold in same period in 2015.It is interesting to see that basic phones also called feature phones are more than smart phone sold. 19 Millions smart phones sold in this period, while 21 million basic phones have been sold in same duration.

while in 2015 , 1.5 Millions windows phone were sold, however in 2016 only 250 k smartphone with windows as operating system has been sold in same period.

If we categorized India in four regions says North, east, South and West. Then we found that North is leading all four regions with 32% market share, followed by West with 30% market share. East is last in this series with 12% market share.

In India, though we sold around 40 millions handsets in first 4 month valuing Rs. 225 Billions. However you might be surprised to know that most active prize segment is less than Rs. 2000. In this price segment highest handsets has been sold. Total of 40 millions handsets sold in this period, 18 millions handsets worth less than Rs. 2000.

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